It is the same elements that go to compose my mind and the world. This situation is the same for every mind and its world, in spite of the unfathomable abundance of 'cross-references' between them. The world is given to me only once, not one existing and one perceived. Subject and object are only one. The barrier between them cannot be said to have broken down as a result of recent experience in the physical sciences, for this barrier does not exist.
--Erwin Schrödinger
We are continually emphasizing the divide between our selves and everything else, and at the same time searching for the connections between all things. But the way in which those connections are most often sought is by further emphasizing disconnection. When we say that a bird and a fish are similar in the way they move through air and water in three dimensions, we are saying that a bird and a fish and the air and the water and the earth and the creatures crawling on the earth are all discrete objects. Connections, or as Schrodinger puts it, 'cross-references,' imply separateness--we connect one thing to another thing. But what we have learned, since scientists in the early 19th century proved all matter was made of atoms and empty space, is that there are no hard edges between things.
Through writing, performance, printmaking and publishing, I look at the impulse toward categorization--the drive to find structure in the natural world, or to impose a structure to fit to preconceived ideas or ideologies. I do this by presenting new, absurd structures, or through research into historical cosmologies. Looking at historical science, we can see more clearly that hard facts are actually fluid, subject to the whims of religion, politics, and ego. As a child of scientists and grandchild of Northern California mystics and Jung scholars, I draw connections of my own, between observable reality and the realm of the subconscious.