reba ! reba ! reba !

I'm interested in cosmologies, ancient & contemporary, in math & science & mysterious phenomena, in the hubris of human artifice in the middle of an unknowable universe (for example, our need to name stars and create outlines around things is so great that we set up an official institution for that purpose). I'm curious about the line that leads from the shoebill stork to the P.E.A.R. Lab to the ring of debris building up in Earth's orbit.

artist statement

In 2012, I co-founded Meekling Press, a small art book publisher. Some of our books, I print and bind in my Chicago studio, using letterpress and offset presses and whatever else I can get my hands on, and a few of those you can see on the "art" page here, but do check out Meekling Press's website to see more of what we do.



This is me, with some birds.